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Money Smart. Money Information, Money Education

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Help us become a Non-Profit Organization so we can offer programs to any school or organization regardless of budget.

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What's been going on...

Jameel Webb-Davis instructs the financial portion of the

CWU Fresh Start Program

Webb-Davis and students at the Crittenton Women's Union

Look at these beautiful faces! These women feel encouraged and empowered to make a "Fresh Start"! Jameel Webb-Davis was asked to teach a class about credit cards. The class went so well, that Crittenton Women's Union asked Jameel to return and finish the whole series on financial literacy, as well as handle programs in the future. It was a great program and very inspiring to receive such a wonderful response. Read more about what these women had to say.

StartMoneySmart featured in recent issue of Boston NOW

Start Money Smart article in Boston Now newspaper

On September 11, 2007, Scott Wachtler, reporter for the BostonNOW, wrote a story on Start Money Smart and Jameel's entrepreneurial ventures. Read the article...

What's coming up...

StartMoneySmart will be offering programs at Natick High School and Haverhill High School.

Natick High School has asked Start Money Smart to speak during Kwanzaa week at Natick High School. Jameel Webb-Davis will be speaking to students and their parents that are participating in the METCO program.

Haverhill High School has asked Jameel to return and speak to the Young Women's Group and Teen Parent Group on financial literacy.

Haverhill Community Violence Coalition, Inc. (HCVC), has also asked Start Money Smart to work with students in the community to add financial literacy to their program. HCVC is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together community members who are committed to addressing and preventing all forms of violence throughout the community.

See what's new on the website!

  • Support Start Money Smart by making a donation on-line! Click here for more information.
  • MJOrganizers has its own separate website focused at helping small business owners and organizations stay financially organized! Check it out!
  • Review other organizations with financial literacy information, tools for parents, and articles to review. Check out our new Resources link.
  • Our Blog is coming soon - all your seminar questions answered!

Quick Links...

What's there to learn about paychecks? You just cash

Does your teenager need to be Money Smart?

Do his friends?

Four kids make a workshop!

  • How to maintain a checking account?
  • How do credit cards work?
  • What will come out of their paychecks?
  • How to stay organized so bills get paid?

Workshop Pricing

Prices are based on number of students in attendance.

Teenagers & Young Adults
Number Price per class
4 - 6 $50
7 - 11 $40
12 - 21 $35
Over 22 $30

Workshops can include classes in succession or over several days. Reduced prices for non-profit organizations. Visa/MasterCard/American Express accepted.

"What should I teach my kids about personal finance?"

This question is what most parents should be asking themselves, because the truth is, their kids most likely are not going to learn it in school.

Many parents feel that if they teach their kids to save their money and they make sure they get a good education, they'll be okay. Don't assume that if your kids get a good paying job, they'll understand how to manage their money. Financial literacy is more than the accumulation of money.

So what are some ways parents can teach kids financial literacy?


Paying bills is a task that most people will have to handle sometime in their life. However, the assumption has become that the task is simple, and requires no preparation, training, or even discussion.

In today's society, the belief is that paying or not paying bills is a money issue. "People who don't pay their bills, must not have any money, right?" Don't fall into believing this myth. You'd be surprised how many people with money can't get their bills paid on time.

Paying bills can be complicated - paying bills has become a more complex task than it was for our parents. With on-line banking, automatic deduction, and debit cards there are many ways to pay bills. Do you understand the rules involved with all these methods?

More bills at a younger age - Years ago, people didn't have bills until they got married and moved into a house. Nowadays young adults can have a mailbox full of bills before they move out of their parent's home. Phone bills, car payments, auto insurance, credit cards, student loans, and more. There's a lot more to manage, and young minds aren't always prepared for that responsibility.

Banks and credit card companies - yes, these institutions can be a big part of the problem. Companies have caught on that big money can be made from loans - especially the high-risk kind. Banks are more willing to give credit cards and make loans than ever before. The interest rates and fees involved ensure that anyone who doesn't stay on top of paying their bills can really pay a price.

Staying organized so your bills get paid is a skill that actually needs to be taught. Start Money Smart offers workshops for adults, parents, and teenagers that address these and other topics regarding financial literacy. Check out our website for more information.

Next month...
Teach your kids how to handle their finances, by including them in your financial decisions.