• Programs
  • Fairs for Teens
  • Budget Help
  • Train the trainer
  • Books
  • Podcasts and Videos


Our programs are for teens and adults, men and women, low and high income ...

... they all have the same questions!

Program Descriptions

Click on the program name for samples of program content.

Money Myths & More

A great introductory class to the Start Money Smart series. This program introduces you to many of the misconceptions about money in our society, especially those related to wealth accumulation and paying bills.

Click for excepts of Money Myths and More

What Parents Need to Know

Specific activities and exercises you can do with your child that will teach them the value of money as well as practical information about allowances that will teach your child how to manage money on a day-to-day basis.

Click for excepts of What Parents Need to Know

All About Checking Accounts

Basic information about how checking accounts work are often overlooked when teaching personal finance. Managing your checking account on a day-to-day basis requires skills that this class teaches to teens and adults.

Click for excepts of All About Checking Accounts

All About Credit Cards

What's the point of having a credit card? How do they work and what are all the possible fees that may take place? This class also provides detailed information on how credit reports work and the best way to pay off credit card debt.

Click for excerpts of All About Credit Cards

Paying Bills & Budgeting

There are many different ways to pay bills - this class discusses the pros and cons of each. It also provides clear steps on how to stay organized so bills get paid on time every month, as well as taking the fear out of creating a budget and tips on what to do when money is tight.

Click for excepts of Paying Bills and Budgeting

Paychecks & Taxes

What can you can expect from an employer when you start receiving a paycheck? How do taxes work and what are all those forms for? This class works really well for teens and adults new to the work world.

Click for excepts of Paychecks and Taxes

Savings & Investing

This class not only provides information on the different saving vehicles and investment options, it also addresses emotional issues around saving and the best way to set financial goals.

Click for excepts of Savings and Investing

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